Archive | October, 2023

The Patience of a Saint

18 Oct

People have told me that I have the patience of a saint. It’s definitely in my job description, as sitting at a piano for five or more hours a day with students who don’t always practice requires this useful character trait. My imperturbable temperament has also helped me raise four daughters to adulthood and allowed me to stay married to the same man for thirty-six years. Both rewarding, but both not inherently easy. If and when he reads this, my husband is definitely thinking, “It takes two to tango, Honey.” And indeed it does.

I’m also a bit of a scaredy-cat. Since I was a young girl, I’ve dealt with a lot of anxiety. Our poor, traumatized parents mixed with the culture of 1970’s really messed with us, and like many of my peers, I had a bit of a tumultuous childhood which led to insecurity and lack of self worth. I’m not sure exactly when I decided that I wasn’t intelligent or beautiful enough, but unfortunately, I’ve carried these untruths around in my head for decades.

When I was in my late forties, after I almost lost my youngest to cancer (you know the story), I let go of some of my fear and decided to write a novel. I honestly didn’t know what I was doing, as I’d never had any real training in creative writing except for one semester in college. That vile voice in my mind kept telling me to forget it—that no one would ever want to read something I wrote—but I somehow managed to fight her off. It took me more than five years, but I completed a novel. In April of 2020, She Writes Press published Lost in Oaxaca.

Yep—2020. You remember the pandemic? After all my preparation for a book launch, WHAM—everything shut down. No party, no book launch, zilch.

But my perseverance kicked in and I went full force on social media to keep promoting my book: “If you can’t travel to Oaxaca in person, at least you can travel there in your mind!” or “Hang out in the backyard under an umbrella (six feet away from anyone, please) and tag along with Camille as she navigates the magical land of Oaxaca!” or “Please, please, please, just buy my damn book!”

I really must’ve driven you all crazy with all of my posting and blogging. I’m so sorry I spent so much time trying to insert the fact that I wrote a book into every conversation. I swear I’m not a narcissist! But hey, I was not about to let my lifelong dream die.

I guess my determination and patience paid off, as book sales are still going strong. But the most exciting thing that’s happened is that Lost in Oaxaca has recently been optioned by Sony Pictures to be made into a film! Now, before you get too excited, this is just an option, which means they are interested in seeing where it goes, and it may never make it to the big screen. But they’re paying me more than the standard amount, so clearly they’re interested.

And how could they not be? Adventure, music, romance, culture, and travel all wrapped up into one exciting story—you see where I’m going with this. Promote, promote, promote!  And you thought I was finally done talking about my book.

Whatever happens, it’s been such a wonderful ride these past few years. Thank you for all of your continued love and support. If it does actually make it to the movies, we’re having a big screening and you’re all invited!

And Remember: Good things come to those who wait.


If you’ve read Lost in Oaxaca, who do you think should play the main roles in the movie?

My picks are as follows:

Camille: Emma Stone or Rachel McAdams

Camille’s Mother: Allison Janney

Alejandro: Tenoch Huerta (although he’s currently embroiled in some controversy so there’s that.) Maybe an unknown?

Graciela: Yalitza Aparicio (she’s older, but definitely could play an 18 year old.)

Sofia: No idea!

Leave a comment and let me know your picks!