The Pacification

19 Apr


nino 2

My son, Nino is graduating from University of California Santa Barbara this coming June. He is an art major who specializes in printmaking. This week he’s having a solo art show at UCSB’s Glass Box Gallery entitled “The Pacification” which explores his relationship with his father. Since many of you won’t be able to attend, I thought I’d share some of his work on my blog.

I’m so proud of Nino for following his passion. He started U.C.S.B. as an Economics/Accounting Major and I knew this was not the path he should have chosen. Luckily, he realized that creating art is what makes him happy and changed his major. In July he’ll be off to live in Oaxaca for sixth months where he will continue to study printmaking.

Here is the explanation behind this show and some examples of his work:

nino 1

nino 10

nino 3nino 9

nino 11

nino 8

nino 12

nino 5


The artist, Nino Mireles

9 Responses to “The Pacification”

  1. Mele April 19, 2016 at 2:28 pm #

    Cant wait to see it tomorrow!!!!!!!

  2. Sharlae April 19, 2016 at 2:50 pm #

    Wow…very impressive! Way to go, Nino!

  3. Sarabeth Clevenger April 19, 2016 at 4:13 pm #

    Nino, I am very impressed with your visualization of the idea, the beauty of your installation, and your printmaking technique! Intrigued with where you will go from here…..any plans? Also pleased as a fellow artist with a specialty in printmaking, that you chose the field!

    • Allegro non tanto April 19, 2016 at 8:53 pm #

      Sarabeth, Nino told me to tell you how much he appreciates your encouraging comments! His plans are to make a lot of art for the next two years and then apply to grad school. Hope you and Frank are well. We so love your beautiful works in our home!

  4. Corrine Appelbaum April 20, 2016 at 7:52 am #

    Wow! Nino is so talented, you have to be so proud. I’m sure he will go on to do great things because he is following his heart and his dreams.

  5. Deborah Gordon April 20, 2016 at 9:09 pm #

    Wow! So impressive, and so moving! Thanks so much for sharing with us in this way.

  6. brittonswingler July 12, 2016 at 11:02 am #

    I absolutely love seeing the uniqueness of people’s artistic talents—especially when these “people” are the children of people I love. Way to go Nino. ❤ Mom.

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